“Alliance Realty Partners is a group of real estate agents from all backgrounds who have a passion for serving our community in their real estate needs. We share common beliefs regarding our business practices and choose to operate as a Co-op giving the agent more flexibility and financial freedom to operate as a true independent contractor.”
Voluntary membership
Our agents have common interests and are prepared to be abide by the rules of the co-op. They have the right to join the Alliance Realty Partners as a single agent or team, as and when he wishes to do so, continue in it as long as he likes, and leave it at his will.
Democratic control
Co-operation is democracy in action. The business of co-operative society is managed by a committee elected by the members at annual general meeting. ‘One man one vote’ is the basic element of co-operative democracy. All business decisions financial or otherwise will be presented to members for vote, majority rules.
The finances of Alliance Realty Partners are contributed by members through their dues. Each participating agent contributes their share quarterly. Expenses are kept minimized and all financials are open for view to all members.
Distribution of surplus
The surplus of funds or a portion of may be distributed back to the members yearly, kept in a general reserve or utilized for the general welfare of the local community
Service motive
The objective of Alliance Realty Partners should not be to maximize profits at the cost of others, as is usually the case with other types of real estate firms. Also, it does not mean that a Alliance Realty Partners should sustain losses.
Agents of Alliance Realty Partners possess the mindset of contributing their knowledge, skills and experience to benefit the greater whole. Together we are better.
Education and training
Agents at Alliance Realty Partners are dedicated to improving their knowledge of the real estate industry and keeping current with resources and technology to better serve their clients.
What this means for the participating agent:
No Commission Splits
No Monthly Fees
Complete freedom to select third party partnerships such as lenders, inspectors and attorneys without firm interest
Ability to structure teams in unique ways
Flexibility in marketing